
I Take Illegal Drugs For Inspiration

I found this article originally published in Daily Telegraph, Saturday May 21st 2005, pp 17-18. (Note: This version is very slightly different from the published, edited, version) © Sue Blackmore 2005 Every year, like a social drinker who wants to prove to herself that she’s not an alcoholic, I give up cannabis for a month. […]

Iboga Experience – Transformation of the Self

“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.” – William Blake I woke up at 9am, but did not have any breakfast, only some vegetable soup at around noon. At 1pm. I’d begun taking small doses of 2gr. of Iboga root bark powder every fifteen minutes; I mixed […]

The Entheogen Journey

“The antagonism between science and religion, about which we hear so much, appears to me to be purely factitious–fabricated, on the one hand, by short-sighted religious people who confound a certain branch of science, theology, with religion; and, on the other, by equally short-sighted scientific people who forget that science takes for its province only […]

Van Gogh and Absinthe

Although the Dutch postimpressionist Vincent Van Gogh is now highly acclaimed, he received little recognition in his lifetime. Instead, he lead a difficult life which included depression, bizarre psychiatric symptoms, and finally suicide. Van Gogh’s difficult life –with all its romantic and tragic elements — has been the focus of much medical speculation. His unusual […]

Use of Marijuana During Pregnancy

Dr. Melanie Dreher, reefer researcher Despite political pressure to have it otherwise, Dr. Dreher’s research reveals that pot-smoking moms can have smart, healthy babies. When Dr Melanie Dreher released solidly researched reports showing that children of ganja-using mothers were better adjusted than children born to non-using mothers, she encountered political and professional turbulence. Dr. Melanie […]

Use of Cannabis Oil in Melanoma Treatment

When it comes to cancer, it is obvious that the need for alternative treatments is growing, and topical cannabis oil offers a much needed avenue to explore. Throughout history hemp has been known as a medicinal plant. Yet this hasn’t been considered much in the political playground where the goal is making money. Many large […]

Psilocybin Causes Positive Personality Change

New research from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine indicates that the psychedelic component in magic mushrooms may have lasting medical and spiritual benefits to psychological health. The mushroom-derived hallucinogen, called psilocybin, is known to cause transformative spiritual states, but at high doses it can also bring about “bad trips” marked by terror and panic. The […]

The Mandrake Plant Magic

The mandrake, according to legend, was molded out of the same clay as that from which Adam was created. It was the Devil’s favorite plant. As such it was associated with underground demons and other supernatural powers, and highly regarded as the roots were for their magical properties, their unearthing was considered to be perilous […]

Absinthe and Art

Many famous artists and writers have used absinthe for inspiration. Listed here are the famous absinthe users and various artworks inspired by absinthe.

Reality of Life and Death

Here’s an account of a Salvia Divinorum experience I had a while ago… Biggest Secret SESSION 7: 10x salvia extract in bong From the middle of my vision, a swirling pattern of light intensified, creating what I could only describe as a hole in reality! Simultaneously, my mind was being flooded with forgotten memories and […]

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